
The MPH Student Grant Award: The MPH Student Grant Award provides students with funding to attend a professional or academic conference, print an academic poster or presentation or additional funds (accommodations/travel) for students making presentations at conferences.  To apply, e-mail the name, date, location and cost of the conference, the date and title of your presentation (if applicable) and your professional goals for attending the conference to 

The Waller Endowed Student Scholarship: The John B. Waller, Jr. and Menthele (Mikki) Waller Endowed Scholarship award provides tuition assistance to an MPH student who promotes excellence and dedication to the practice of public health.  The selected students must also have demonstrated high scholastic achievement and financial need.  There is no application process; students are nominated by the faculty.  Award amount subject to availability of funds. 

Graduate Student Professional Travel Awards: The Graduate School provides funding to departments to support graduate students' professional travel to national and international conferences to present their research. These awards are made by departments, in consultation with the dean's office in their school or college. Awards are made up to a maximum of $500 per student and require a matching amount from the department or college. 

The Women of Wayne Scholarship was established to provide assistance to students in financing their education at Wayne State University. To be eligible, students must be full- or part-time undergraduate or graduate students or accepted for full-time study. Applicants must supply an unofficial transcript and outline participation in activities that demonstrate a commitment to gender equality and/or the work of the President's Commission on the Status of Women. Applicants must also demonstrate financial need.

Wayne State University Scholarship Opportunities