Faculty development

To support faculty in their growth as academic teaching and research professionals, the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health Sciences has created a comprehensive faculty development program.

DFMPHS Strategic Plan 

The Faculty Development Strategic Plan reflects survey results for FD activities prioritized by DFMPHS faculty.  This Strategic Plan includes DFMPHS-sponsored guest speakers, peer learning communities, mentoring activities, and personalized career development strategies.

New Faculty Orientation

An individualized orientation program is developed cooperatively by members of the chair's administrative group and each new faculty member's colleagues. Depending on the new faculty member's assigned activities, the orientation may include visits to each departmental academic and clinical site. Outside the department, new faculty members are introduced to representatives of offices within the school, university, and hospitals whose work relates to that of the new faculty member. New clinical teachers co-precept and co-round with experienced colleagues in order to become acclimated to the department's educational and patient-care processes. Each new faculty member attends the School of Medicine's new faculty orientation program, as well.

Faculty Handbook

All DFMPHS faculty are provided a comprehensive faculty handbook, updated annually and available on the department website, that provides up-to-date information about the Department, School, University, Profession, and Career Development documents and resources.

Faculty Development Meetings

The DFMPHS conducts regular faculty development sessions following our faculty meetings. Information about School, University, and regional professional development events is disseminated to all faculty.

Mentoring of Faculty

The DFMPHS Mentoring Program is intended to help departmental faculty flourish in their overall career, and thus it includes career mentoring as well as mentoring in specific academic areas such as research, teaching, and service. The program provides support for faculty at all career stages to advance themselves, their colleagues, their academic missions, and their profession. In consultation with the Department Faculty Development Liaison and, if desired, the faculty member's division director, the faculty member chooses at least one but possibly more mentors.  Mentors may be found in the department (and could be the division director), at the SOM, WSU, and other local or regional sources, such as in the faculty member's society or specialty; a number of people from industry and/or other institutions could be mentors.

Mentees arrange follow up meetings with mentors and may choose to develop goals and timelines.    Materials are made available on the department web site to facilitate the mentoring process.  The DFDL will meet annually with the department leadership to review the activities and evaluate the program.  The DFDL is available to mentees and mentors as needed throughout the process. Please visit our mentoring page for materials.


Promotion Readiness Review

In addition to the DFMPHS mentoring program, each faculty member is offered the opportunity of a promotion readiness review by an ad hoc committee formed by the department. The goal of this review is to identify strengths and weaknesses in order to support the faculty member in their efforts towards promotion, tenure, and other career successes. View this process.

For additional information, visit the School of Medicine's Faculty Affairs website.