Meet Public Health Student Organization President, Lauren Marks

The MPH Public Health Student Organization (PHSO) encourages public health service, advocacy, and scholarship in the local community of metro Detroit and the Wayne State University campus. New PHSO President Lauren Marks shared her priorities and plans below. It will be an exciting year for the PHSO!

Tell us a little about your background. Why did you choose to attend Wayne State University? Why did you choose to earn an MPH degree?

 I went through undergrad studying history with a focus on culture, society and globalization, which helped build my interest in community health and social issues that we face today. During the peak of Covid-19, I realized that the Public Health field created great opportunities to work in communities and promote health systematically. I left my grad program in human computer interactions to follow my passion for social and health improvement through the Wayne State MPH.  I chose Wayne state because I wanted to work in communities in Detroit, build connections, and because the hiring rate after graduation was very high.

Why did you seek out a leadership role in the Public Health Student Organization (PHSO)?

As soon as I heard about the PHSO, I asked to join and loved the social connections and common interest in Public Health, and community activism. When the role of president opened up I applied, because PHSO is a fantastic and fun way to work with my peers with common interests, promote public health goals, and gain public health experience with our projects and volunteering.

What are your goals for the PHSO?  

Our goals for PHSO this year are to become more involved in community volunteering, build connections with community members, and work together to create events that represent our goals of improving community health.

What PHSO events do you have planned in the upcoming year now that COVID has abated?

Now that we have more opportunity to socialize with better understandings of Covid health implications, we plan to begin volunteering with local organizations, build the PHSO organization, fund raise, and have a bi-annual game night. In the Fall we plan to organize a public health career fair.

Are there any events that DFMPHS Newsletter readers can participate in?

We will be sending out emails and news letters about our events and would love to see other students participate. We welcome new members who want to build connections and experiences in public health.

If you are interested in learning more about the PHSO, please contact President Lauren Marks at

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