Medical Students with Interest in Family Medicine Attend AAFP National Conference

A number of medical students with an interest in Family Medicine attended the 2023 AAFP (American Academy of Family Physicians) National Conference for Students and Residents.  The AAFP National Conference is a great way for students to explore residency programs from all over the country under one roof, the Kansas City Convention Center. The programming is designed with many topics of interest, from clinical skills workshops to interviewing tips.

The following students received Scholarships from Family Medicine donors that were used to fund their travel to the conference in order to assist in their exploration and interest in the practice of Family Medicine.

  • Aya Dudar, Leya Maliekal, and Manvir Sandhu received the FM Direction Fund Scholarship
  • Tilmira Smith received a scholarship from Michigan Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP)
  • Yasmeen Alcodray and Pooja Polamarasetti received a scholarship from Southeastern Michigan Academy of Family Physicians (SEMAFP)

Pictured to the left of the sign: Cameron Metz and right of the sign: Timira Smith

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