Fall 2020 MPH Graduate Reception

On December 10, 2020, the MPH Program held a virtual reception for our fall graduates. The reception was attended by our Chair of the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health Sciences (DFMPHS) Dr. Tsveti Markova, MPH Program Director Dr. Rachel Mahas, Director of Population Health Sciences Dr. Juliann Binienda and many MPH faculty.

The School of Medicine Alumni Director Diane Puhl and her team Emily Stone and Lisa Ramos also attended to offer our new graduates a complementary membership to the SoM Alumni Association.

Additionally, many family and friends attended to celebrate with our graduates. In true DFMPHS fashion, Kulsoom Ahmed, MPH, was joined by her daughter Maryam; Sarah Vaughan, PhD, MPH, was joined by her daughter Stella; and Micia Eddins, MPH, held her newborn. 

During the reception, our graduates shared that they especially valued the conversations and discussions with MPH students and faculty and the many networking opportunities offered by the MPH Program, including grants to attend the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting (APHA).

Congratulations, Fall 2020 MPH graduates!

Fall 2020 MPH Graduates

Alina Agha

Kulsoom Ahmed

Micia Eddins

Neetisha Gupta

Poco Kernsmith

Kristen Lucas

Zeinab Mchiek

Timothy Michling

Aysha Muhith

Mirza Noor

Megan O’Grady

Sarah Vaughan

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